
Oct 5, 2021

by  Dalli & Marino

Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving with Senior Loved Ones

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Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many families. It’s a time when loved ones come together to enjoy food and spend quality time with one another in a festive fall atmosphere. However, planning for Thanksgiving can also put a lot of stress on families—especially if they have senior loved ones in their life. Specifically, seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia or who are beginning to lose some of their physical strength might celebrate modifications to accommodate their needs.

The holidays—Thanksgiving included—can be an emotionally challenging time for many seniors residing in nursing homes. However, there are many ways to make Thanksgiving enjoyable and stress-free for your elderly family and friends. Here are some tips for celebrating Thanksgiving with senior loved ones.

Include Your Elderly Loved Ones in Your Celebration

The holidays are a time that can be especially challenging for nursing home residents. During these special times of the year, many seniors may feel lonely or reminded of loved ones they have lost in the past. Additionally, the feeling of not being able to fully participate in holiday functions may lead to feelings of depression and isolation. Therefore, going the extra mile to ensure your senior loved ones feel included in your holiday celebrations will make the holiday enjoyable. Even if you live far away from your elderly loved ones and won’t be spending the holiday with them, a phone or video call can go a long way.

Consider Dietary Needs

Usually, nursing home residents have to watch their diet more than other family members. Therefore, when planning your Thanksgiving menu, be sure to consider their dietary needs. Taking into account your senior loved one’s medical conditions and food restrictions will ensure they are able to fully enjoy your Thanksgiving meal.

Be Sure to Engage in Conversation

It’s likely you’ve probably been at a holiday celebration and noticed the seniors in the crowd sitting alone. Even more than sharing a meal together, putting the effort in to socialize with your elderly loved ones will mean the world to them. Whether you share memories with them or go through old photos, there are many ways to engage in conversation with your senior loved ones and make them feel special.

Be Mindful of Your Loved One’s Health

The holidays happen to fall in the midst of the flu and cold season. Therefore, it’s important to be especially mindful of your elderly loved one’s health at holiday celebrations. If you or your other family members are feeling sick, it’s important to intentionally distance yourself from your senior loved ones. You can also encourage guests to wash their hands frequently throughout the festivities to prevent your loved ones from catching anything.

Call an Expert Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in New York City

Many families entrust their elderly loved ones to the caregivers at nursing homes. Unfortunately, many nursing homes engage in predatory and abusive behaviors that put their residents at risk.  If you suspect a loved one has suffered neglect at their nursing home, the attorneys at Dalli & Marino are here to help.

Our seasoned New York trial attorneys have been aggressively advocating for victims of nursing home abuse since 1996. We are committed to cultivating strong relationships with our clients through trusted, reliable communication. Our New York nursing home attorneys approach each case on an individual basis and are dedicated to helping you recover the money you deserve to compensate for your experience. Give us a call at (888) 465-8790 or complete our contact form today.