
Apr 7, 2021

by  Dalli & Marino

Surprising Numbers of Frontline & Healthcare Workers Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

Surprising Numbers of Frontline & Healthcare Workers Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
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As people around the world are scrambling for the opportunity to receive their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, some American essential workers are choosing to opt-out. EMS workers, doctors, nurses, and other frontline workers are turning down the vaccines over safety concerns despite studies that refute these claims.

The staff of nursing homes and assisted living facilities know the impact of COVID-19 better than the average citizen, with nearly 40% of COVID deaths having occurred within their buildings. People that held a job in a nursing home during the year of 2020 had one of the deadliest careers in the nation–rivaling roofers, logging workers, and fishers. Why, then, are so many frontline workers declining vaccination?

Why Frontline Workers Aren’t Getting Vaccinated

The COVID-19 vaccine first became available to healthcare workers in December of 2020, yet in March 2021 only 52% of frontline healthcare workers were found to be vaccinated according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey. Over 80% of workers surveyed stated that they were worried about potential side effects and the newness of the vaccine.

Many experts attribute vaccine skepticism to an information issue. The voices of anti-vaxxers are amplified by the internet, leaving the facts and data to drown in a sea of misconceptions and falsehoods. However, it isn’t hard to understand why so many people are hesitant to accept the vaccine after the federal administration challenged statements made by health care leaders and scientists for so long.

After being repeatedly exposed to COVID-19, some long-term care facility staff and frontline workers are refusing vaccination because they believe their bodies have developed enough protective antibodies to fight off the virus. However, not only is there no way of knowing this without a blood test but there’s also no evidence that states how long COVID antibodies will last.

Other concerns from healthcare workers that have refused vaccination include lack of trust in the government, disbelief in the dangers of COVID, and concerns about the role of politics in the development of the vaccines. Some hospital and nursing home staff have also expressed apprehension about being forced to get the vaccine before anyone else–worried they are being treated like guinea pigs.

How Do We Encourage More People to Get Vaccinated?

If not enough people choose to receive the vaccine, the COVID-19 pandemic could continue indefinitely. Our best chance of fighting this highly contagious disease is to get as many people protected as possible. We can do this by:

  • Educating people with facts. Webinars, seminars, pamphlets, any way you can reach people with scientific data on the COVID-19 vaccines and get ahead of the falsehoods.
  • Monitoring social media. Refute misinformation and erroneous claims that you see posted on social media platforms.
  • Emphasize ethical responsibility. Make it clear that getting vaccinated is for the greater good.
  • Find the right spokesperson. People are more likely to listen to someone they can relate to.
  • Set an example. Get vaccinated and share your experience.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is one of the best ways to prevent you–and the people around you–from contracting the disease. If you do happen to contract COVID-19 post-vaccination, you are much less likely to get seriously ill. Vaccinations teach our immune systems how to recognize and fight a virus and are important tools in getting our society back to normal.

Contact an Expert Coronavirus Exposure Lawyer in New York City

Healthcare facilities like nursing homes and hospitals need to take every precaution to protect their residents and patients from exposure to COVID-19. These populations are most susceptible to being heavily impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. If you have questions or concerns about your legal rights in relation to COVID-19 exposure in a healthcare facility, Dalli & Marino may be able to help.

Dalli & Marino have represented residents of New York City, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Westchester since 1995. Providing the highest level of personal service and legal representation is our priority. Call (888) 465-8790 or complete an online contact form for a free case evaluation with us today.