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Staffing Shortages in Hospitals Driven by Profits over People

As the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched into its third year, many healthcare professionals have felt the burnout so acutely that they have begun considering other career options. Even as nurses have spent the better part of these three years pleading for more resources and staffing, many facilities have continued to prioritize profits over people, resulting in an unparalleled level of burnout among nurses at all care levels. 

Nurses Are Speaking Out against False Narratives Created by Hospitals

Nurses have begun speaking out against the false narratives being cultivated by hospitals. While burnout from the care necessary for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic has been significant, hospitals unwilling to invest in more nursing positions have perpetuated the ongoing staffing shortage. What should have been a time for reform in healthcare, especially within the nursing segment of the industry, has instead turned into an opportunity for hospitals to enjoy higher profits instead.

Meanwhile, nurses on the front lines of care have had to make do with fewer resources to do their jobs and less staffing to cover shifts. For many, this has resulted in physical burnout and emotional and mental turmoil that has seen droves of qualified nurses opt instead to leave their beloved professions. Even as hospitals have tried to explain the issue of burnout from caring for COVID-19 patients for three years, many nurses have begun speaking out to set the record straight. They’ve instead noted that hospitals have allowed chronic under-staffing to persist, an issue that many say was happening before the pandemic. 

Legislation Can Help Remedy Staffing Shortages to Protect Nurses and Patients Alike

One of the ways that states can adequately address the issue is with legislation stipulating nurse-patient ratios. Some states, like California, have already realized success in this area. Conversely, other states, like Massachusetts, had such proposals defeated after millions of dollars were spent advocating against them by influential hospital lobbying firms. Such laws could save lives among patients and reduce the burden on nurses to create a safer work environment. 

These laws may also help prevent medical malpractice cases perpetuated by staff shortages that ultimately compromise care. Given the impact that staffing issues can ultimately have on patients, nurses are sounding the alarm to compel legislation that might prevent hospitals from prioritizing profits over people. 

An Experienced New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer May Be Able to Assist

If you have had an adverse healthcare experience due to hospital staffing shortages, the team at Dalli & Marino may be able to help. Our extensive background in this practice area can help if you were impacted by medical malpractice from facilities you trusted to deliver quality care. Greedy medical facilities should be held accountable for substandard care, blaming staffing shortages when looking out for their bottom lines. You should not be forced to settle for less than what you deserve in terms of healthcare, and certainly not if your health or that of a loved one has been further compromised after a hospital visit. 

Schedule a free consultation with our team today and learn how we may assist you. Reach out to us via phone at (888) 465-8790 or contact us online to learn more. Se Habla Español. 

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