
Nov 1, 2020

by  Dalli & Marino

Reuniting Nursing Home Residents and Families After COVID-19

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Nursing homes, like much of the rest of the world, have been caught in the crosshairs of the coronavirus pandemic. When COVID-19 began to escalate in early 2020, many nursing homes decided to close their doors. Shutting out visitors was a necessary measure to prevent the virus from reaching an expectedly vulnerable community. Today, nursing homes in many states are starting to reemerge from the lockdowns that were imposed in March.

As you return to the nursing home that houses your loved one, it’s more important than ever to focus on their health and surroundings. With so many months spent away from your company, your loved one may have been affected by improper or negligent care. It’s imperative, in this case, to note any changes in your loved one’s appearance or demeanor.

Sniffing out nursing home negligence and abuse can be a tall task. It may be difficult to understand where to look, who to talk to, and what to ask. Fortunately, The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care has outlined suggestions of what to look out for, questions to ask, and what you can do if you have concerns about your loved one’s condition.

In general, it’s important to keep an eye out for changes in your loved one’s appearance and behavior. Do they have noticeable weight loss, has their hair been washed, and do they appear to have healthy skin? Likewise, keep tabs on what’s happening in the building. Do the facilities have clean rooms, sufficient staffing, and easy access to hand sanitizer and soap? Consider asking your loved one how they’re doing, if they have any pain or discomfort, if they’ve been sleeping well, and if they like living in the facility.

For more information, tips, and guidelines, check out the PDF linked below.