
Sep 21, 2023

by  Dalli & Marino

How Common Is Elder Abuse in Memory Care Facilities?

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As our loved ones age, their care and well-being become our paramount concerns. Sometimes, it reaches a point where taking them to a care facility is the best course of action for both you and them. For those having conditions or struggling with memory-related conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, memory care centers are the perfect place to provide specialized assistance for their needs. Taking your senior loved one to these facilities helps guarantee a secure and comforting setting, reassuring you that your loved ones are getting the care they need.

However, concerns regarding elder abuse within memory care facilities in New York and beyond have risen in recent years. Making decisions concerning the care of our aging family members requires knowledge of the prevalence of elder abuse in such environments. Our team at Dalli & Marino, LLP can help answer any questions you may have. 

Is Elder Abuse Common in Memory Care Facilities?

Neglectful mistreatment and financial, emotional, psychological, and physical maltreatment are all signs of elder abuse. While not all memory care facilities are involved in such practices, incidents of abuse have been reported. However, elder abuse is often underreported, making it challenging to determine its prevalence within memory care facilities. Factors contributing to underreporting may include:

  • Fear of retaliation
  • Shame and embarrassment
  • Cognitive limitations that prevent victims from speaking out
  • Lack of awareness about the signs of abuse by the residents’ family members

Seniors with memory issues may also have difficulty recounting instances of abuse, further complicating the identification and reporting process.

Signs of Elder Abuse in Memory Care Facilities

Caretakers and family members must be watchful and aware of the warning signs of elder abuse. When considering the well-being of your loved ones in memory care facilities, keep an eye out for these potential indicators of abuse:

  • Unexplained bruises, cuts, burns, fractures, or injuries inconsistent with the explanations given.
  • Sudden shifts in behavior, mood swings, agitation, withdrawal, or depression
  • Poor personal hygiene, unwashed clothes, unsanitary living conditions, and untreated medical conditions
  • Unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts, sudden changes in financial arrangements, missing possessions, or unauthorized use of credit cards
  • Significant weight loss or signs of malnutrition
  • Improper administration or overmedication 

Maintain open communication with your loved one, visit them regularly, and establish rapport with the facility’s staff to better monitor their well-being. If you are still unsure of if your loved one in a memory care facility is being abused, reach out to our team at Dalli & Marino, LLP today.

Safeguarding Our Seniors in Memory Care Facilities with Dalli & Marino, LLP

Memory care facilities have the potential to provide exceptional care and support to seniors grappling with memory-related issues. However, the unsettling reality of elder abuse within these environments cannot be ignored. You can positively contribute to ensuring the security, dignity, and well-being of your loved ones at memory care facilities by reporting, looking into, and addressing abuse allegations.

We must be watchful, aware, and advocates for the welfare of our loved ones as responsible family members. It’s in your best interests and those of your loved one and community to take immediate action if you suspect or have witnessed elder abuse in a memory care facility. The attorneys at Dalli & Marino, LLP are well-versed in elder law and can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (888) 465-8790 or reach out to us online for a free consultation with our legal team.