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Deciding to put your elderly loved one in the care of a nursing home or home care company is a difficult choice. It can be hard to trust the staff and caretakers entrusted with your family member’s well-being. Unfortunately, that mistrusting feeling often comes with good reason due to the one in every ten elderly Americans who suffer some kind of abuse each year.
Dalli & Marino is a team of experienced elderly abuse lawyers helping clients in New York pursue the justice they are owed. If you believe that your elderly loved one may be suffering from elder abuse, you may be able to report the abuse anonymously.
What is Elder Abuse?
Elder abuse is the intentional, knowing, or negligent act by a caregiver that causes risk of harm or harm to an elderly person. The types of elder abuse include:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Active neglect
- Passive neglect
- Self-neglect
- Financial exploitation
In New York, a person is considered elderly when they are sixty years or older. Due to the vulnerable state of many elderly individuals, allegations of elder abuse are taken seriously in New York state. If your loved one has suffered elderly abuse at the hands of a caretaker, an elder abuse lawyer may be able to help you pursue justice.
Can You Make an Anonymous Elder Abuse Report in New York?
In New York, it is possible to make an anonymous elder abuse report. It is only mandatory that reporters document their suspicions of abuse, but they may choose to remain anonymous. Regardless of if a reporter chooses to remain anonymous, it is crucial that they report it immediately when a person suspects elder abuse. The failure to report elder abuse can lead to life-threatening consequences for the elderly individual suffering the abuse.
After a report of suspected elder abuse is made, the following will occur:
- After the report is made to police, the Adult Protective Services and the New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs may also be notified
- The proper authorities will review the allegations, and an investigation into the claims will be conducted
- The allegations will either be founded or unfounded, and if they are founded, legal action while be taken against the accused
If you are unsure of the steps to take after filing an elder abuse report, an experienced elder abuse lawyer may be able to help.
Get Help From a New York Elder Abuse Lawyer
No one wants to believe that their elderly loved one could suffer abuse at the hands of the person who has been trusted with their car, but elder abuse is prevalent. If your loved one has suffered any type of abuse at the hands of a caregiver or nursing home staff member, an experienced elder abuse lawyer may be able to help you file a claim.
Dalli & Marino is a team of New York elder abuse lawyers who have been helping clients seek justice for their elderly loved ones since 1996. Our award-winning legal team has the knowledge and dedication to help you build a strong claim. We are proud to provide clients with the trusted representation they deserve. To set up a free case evaluation, fill out this online contact form or call (888) 465-8790.